Data Model

A data model sets the stage for the database design and lays out a conceptual model of how different data elements relate to each other in a business plan. For Phelps Nursery, the key elements of the data model include the customer, manager, labor crew, and accounts receivable. For each category, the Client ID is the primary key. Phelps Nursery uses a database to keep track of their customers and hold a collection of data records.
The first key element is information on the customer. They must have the customer’s client ID (primary key), name, phone number, and address of job site. This allows for easier management of past and present customers. It is also important for Phelps Nursery to have a thorough understanding of what each customer is going to expect coming in as far as fair prices go. The next key element is manager information. The database keeps track of the manager’s client ID (primary key) along with their assessment date for jobsites and contract signed date. The Client ID is also the primary key for labor crew information. The database also keeps track of the labor crew foreman and all truck details. The final key element in this data model is the accounts receivable information. From this, the Client ID (primary key), form of payment, and bank account are kept in the database. In order to maintain this database, it is essential for the user to understand how each data group interacts with the others. The customer information is the center of the data model and branches out to manager information, labor crew information, and accounts receivable. The latter three categories do not overlap or connect.
The Phelps Nursery data model includes details of each individual entity. This data model is structured yet is also flexible and durable, which helps the data model to withstand and tolerate changes that may need to be made.  
Works Cited
Kroneke, D. M. (2015) MIS Essentials. New York, NY:Pearson Education.

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